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Podcast | SIMM-podcast #10 on music in detention

In this 10th SIMM-podcast episode Lukas Pairon interviews Inês Lamela and Graça Mota  from Portugal, Áine Mangaoang from Ireland who is now living and working in Norway, and Ailbhe Kenny from Ireland. We discuss with them about research on music programmes in detention.

One previous episode of the SIMM-podcast already treated these topics: In the 3rd episode we interviewed John Speyer, Mary Cohen and André de Quadros. 

This subject was also discussed during two sessions at the 5th SIMM-posium with the Brussels-based Bozar (on 26th January and on 2nd February 2021) of which recordings can be found on the website of SIMM.  

The reason why we propose another podcast-episode on this topic is this: During this year’s 4th SIMM-seminar from 6 to 9th December at the Porto University College CIPEM, we will during 4 days bring together a small group of up to 20 scholars doing research on music programmes in detention. Experienced facilitators will allow the participants to share their research experiences, ideas and methodologies. 3 of those facilitators are being interviewed during this podcast episode: Graça Mota, Ines Lamela and Ailbhe Kenny.

Referenced during this podcast-episode: Casa da Musica PortoCIPEMMary CohenSIMM-issue of Musicae ScientiaeSIMM-seminar #4 PortoMariusz RadwanskiRite of Spring in Portuguese Prison

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